Gamma Camera

Imagerie moderne, technologie de médecine nucléaire Fournir les informations précises sur le diagnostic de cancer et le fonctionnement des organes

Varian Clinac iX

Dernière technologie en radiothérapie Pour tous les cancers Avec la plus grande précision, efficacité et sécurité

CT Simulator

Scanner de simulation, technologie 4D
Images de haute résolution en temps réel
Plannification précise et ciblée en radiothérapie

The incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has been significantly increasing for over the last few decades worldwide. Cancer is one of the main NCDs and has been cited as the leading cause of mortality, globally accounting for 13% (or 7.4 million) of all deaths annually with 70% of these occurring in low- and middle-income countries (WHO 2010). It is projected that mortality from cancer will increase significantly over the coming years with 30 million deaths per year worldwide expected by 2030 (WHO 2010). Cambodia is no exception. The incidence and mortality of cancer has been steadily increasing for the last decade. The most common cancers in women are uterine cervix and breast; in men are lung, liver and gastro – intestinal.

Estimated age-standardised incidence and mortality rates men.
Estimated age-standardised incidence and mortality rates women.

In response to the above situation and in align with Ministry of Health’s Strategy Planning, Calmette Hospital has established a new Department of Onco-hematology since January 2013. During this first quarter, 1891 patients were receiving a state of the art treatment, in which 1188 cases (63%) are solid tumor and 703 cases (37%) are hematology.

The 7 most common cancer sites are uterine cervix, head and neck, colo-rectal, breast, ovary, lung and liver. The 5 most common hematology are acute myelogenous leukemia(AML), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), bone marrow aplasia, and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

As the demand for treatment is steadily growing, The Royal Government of Cambodia, especially Calmette Hospital is ready to soon found a National Cancer Center and Nuclear Medicine (NCCNM) by 2016. The NCCNM will be equipped with the state of the art in treatment for all types of cancers such as modern radiotherapy, PET- CT for nuclear medicine, bone marrow transplant and cytapheresis for hematology and modern chemotherapy and targeted treatment for medical oncology.

– Onco-hematology consultation and staff: Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00
– Hospitalization 24/7: 24 beds (14: medical oncology; 10: hematology)

Care available for:
Breast cancer, GI cancer, Head and Neck cancer, Gyneco cancer, Genitourinary cancer, Lung cancer, Brain tumor, Musculoskeletal cancer, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma, and other hematology diseases.

Medical Technology and Equipment:

  1. Chemotherapy: for solid tumor and hematology based on the most updated guideline
  2. Biological therapy: target treatment based on biological markers
  3. Bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy for diagnosis
  4. Cytapharesis
  5. Radiotherapy (on-going project)
  6. Brachytherapy (on-going project)
  7. Nuclear medicine (on-going project)
  8. Bone marrow transplant (on-going project)